Cumulative Season Statistics
Overall Team Statistics
2011 Regis College Men's Volleyball
Regis Overall Team Statistics (as of Mar 24, 2011)
All matches
Overall record: 0-19 Conf: 0-9 Home: 0-9 Away: 0-8 Neutral: 0-2
Kills....................... 235 488
Errors...................... 398 195
Total Attacks............... 1474 1176
Attack Pct.................. -.111 .249
Kills/Game.................. 4.1 8.4
Assists..................... 198 425
Assists/Game................ 3.4 7.3
Aces........................ 48 130
Errors...................... 157 157
Aces/Game................... 0.8 2.2
SERVE RECEPTIONS..............
Errors...................... 173 34
Errors/Game................. 3.0 0.6
Digs........................ 521 530
Digs/Game................... 9.0 9.1
Block Solo.................. 13 22
Block Assist................ 50 70
Total Blocks................ 38.0 57.0
Blocks Per Game............. 0.7 1.0
Block Errors................ 30 13
Total....................... 170 315
Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 9/19 8/39
Neutral site #/Avg.......... 2/54
Current win streak.......... 0 -
Home win streak............. 0 -
MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Regis............... 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
Opponents........... 1 0 15 3 0 - 19
GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Regis............... 0 1 2 0 0 - 3
Opponents........... 19 18 17 3 0 - 57
POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Regis............... 243 241 287 41 0 - 812
Opponents........... 475 463 469 75 0 - 1482
Overall Individual Statistics
2011 Regis College Men's Volleyball
Regis Overall Individual Statistics (as of Mar 24, 2011)
All matches
Overall record: 0-19 Conf: 0-9 Home: 0-9 Away: 0-8 Neutral: 0-2
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---SET---| |-----SERVE----|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE
7 Andrew Carroll 60 19- 25 0.42 27 144 -.014 174 2.90 10 0.17 17
24 Drew Wilder 60 19- 51 0.85 62 302 -.036 1 0.02 8 0.13 26
8 James Guaragna 57 18- 11 0.19 19 115 -.070 4 0.07 1 0.02 1
9 Christopher Tran 60 19- 41 0.68 59 252 -.071 3 0.05 8 0.13 38
18 Dan Berdichevsky 42 13- 49 1.17 82 253 -.130 2 0.05 5 0.12 14
4 Sean O'Brien 16 7- 4 0.25 13 52 -.173 0 0.00 1 0.06 1
10 Si Pan Leong 59 19- 27 0.46 64 199 -.186 10 0.17 13 0.22 40
16 Vanduncan Phillips 7 2- 1 0.14 3 8 -.250 0 0.00 0 0.00 1
3 Stefan Todorovic 60 19- 26 0.43 69 149 -.289 4 0.07 2 0.03 19
REGIS............... 58 19- 235 4.05 398 1474 -.111 198 3.41 48 0.83 157
Opponents........... 58 19- 488 8.41 195 1176 .249 425 7.33 130 2.24 157
|---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE
7 Andrew Carroll 60 1 68 1.13 6 16 22 0.37 13 3
24 Drew Wilder 60 11 55 0.92 4 2 6 0.10 1 1
8 James Guaragna 57 49 121 2.12 0 1 1 0.02 0 1
9 Christopher Tran 60 35 87 1.45 0 4 4 0.07 1 4
18 Dan Berdichevsky 42 14 75 1.79 0 6 6 0.14 1 2
4 Sean O'Brien 16 3 3 0.19 0 1 1 0.06 1 0
10 Si Pan Leong 59 31 81 1.37 2 7 9 0.15 2 3
16 Vanduncan Phillips 7 0 3 0.43 0 2 2 0.29 0 0
3 Stefan Todorovic 60 8 28 0.47 1 11 12 0.20 11 2
REGIS............... 58 173 521 8.98 13 50 38.0 0.66 30 16
Opponents........... 58 34 530 9.14 22 70 57.0 0.98 13 6
Volleyball Statistics
2011 Regis College Men's Volleyball
Regis Volleyball Statistics (as of Mar 24, 2011)
All matches
Overall record: 0-19 Conf: 0-9 Home: 0-9 Away: 0-8 Neutral: 0-2
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
7 Andrew Carroll...... 60 25 0.42 27 144 -.014 174 2.90 27 8 0.30 12 65 -.062 80 2.96
24 Drew Wilder......... 60 51 0.85 62 302 -.036 1 0.02 27 24 0.89 26 149 -.013 1 0.04
8 James Guaragna...... 57 11 0.19 19 115 -.070 4 0.07 24 6 0.25 12 66 -.091 3 0.12
9 Christopher Tran.... 60 41 0.68 59 252 -.071 3 0.05 27 21 0.78 22 101 -.010 1 0.04
18 Dan Berdichevsky.... 42 49 1.17 82 253 -.130 2 0.05 21 23 1.10 38 123 -.122 0 0.00
4 Sean O'Brien........ 16 4 0.25 13 52 -.173 0 0.00 5 3 0.60 4 18 -.056 0 0.00
10 Si Pan Leong........ 59 27 0.46 64 199 -.186 10 0.17 27 13 0.48 32 102 -.186 5 0.19
16 Vanduncan Phillips.. 7 1 0.14 3 8 -.250 0 0.00 3 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 0 0.00
3 Stefan Todorovic.... 60 26 0.43 69 149 -.289 4 0.07 27 13 0.48 39 81 -.321 1 0.04
REGIS............... 58 235 4.05 398 1474 -.111 198 3.41 27 111 4.11 186 708 -.106 91 3.37
Opponents........... 58 488 8.41 195 1176 .249 425 7.33 27 223 8.26 86 537 .255 191 7.07
|--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Andrew Carroll...... 10 0.17 1 68 1.13 6 16 22 0.37 7 0.26 1 25 0.93 3 3 6 0.22
Drew Wilder......... 8 0.13 11 55 0.92 4 2 6 0.10 4 0.15 7 22 0.81 1 1 2 0.07
James Guaragna...... 1 0.02 49 121 2.12 0 1 1 0.02 1 0.04 17 44 1.83 0 1 1 0.04
Christopher Tran.... 8 0.13 35 87 1.45 0 4 4 0.07 1 0.04 15 26 0.96 0 0 0 0.00
Dan Berdichevsky.... 5 0.12 14 75 1.79 0 6 6 0.14 2 0.10 10 26 1.24 0 3 3 0.14
Sean O'Brien........ 1 0.06 3 3 0.19 0 1 1 0.06 0 0.00 1 1 0.20 0 0 0 0.00
Si Pan Leong........ 13 0.22 31 81 1.37 2 7 9 0.15 4 0.15 13 34 1.26 0 2 2 0.07
Vanduncan Phillips.. 0 0.00 0 3 0.43 0 2 2 0.29 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Stefan Todorovic.... 2 0.03 8 28 0.47 1 11 12 0.20 1 0.04 6 17 0.63 0 2 2 0.07
TEAM................ 21 12
REGIS............... 48 0.83 173 521 8.98 13 50 38.0 0.66 20 0.74 82 195 7.22 4 12 10.0 0.37
Opponents........... 130 2.24 34 530 9.14 22 70 57.0 0.98 61 2.26 11 258 9.56 8 28 22.0 0.81
Combined Team Statistics
2011 Regis College Men's Volleyball
Regis Combined Team Statistics (as of Mar 24, 2011)
All matches
ALL MATCHES......... ( 0-19) ( 0-9 ) ( 0-8 ) ( 0-2 )
CONFERENCE.......... ( 0-9 ) ( 0-5 ) ( 0-4 ) ( 0-0 )
NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-10) ( 0-4 ) ( 0-4 ) ( 0-2 )
|---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------|
7 Andrew Carroll 60 25 0.42 27 144 -.014 174 2.90 10 17 0.17 1 68 1.13 6 16 22 0.37 13 3
24 Drew Wilder 60 51 0.85 62 302 -.036 1 0.02 8 26 0.13 11 55 0.92 4 2 6 0.10 1 1
8 James Guaragna 57 11 0.19 19 115 -.070 4 0.07 1 1 0.02 49 121 2.12 0 1 1 0.02 0 1
9 Christopher Tran 60 41 0.68 59 252 -.071 3 0.05 8 38 0.13 35 87 1.45 0 4 4 0.07 1 4
18 Dan Berdichevsky 42 49 1.17 82 253 -.130 2 0.05 5 14 0.12 14 75 1.79 0 6 6 0.14 1 2
4 Sean O'Brien 16 4 0.25 13 52 -.173 0 0.00 1 1 0.06 3 3 0.19 0 1 1 0.06 1 0
10 Si Pan Leong 59 27 0.46 64 199 -.186 10 0.17 13 40 0.22 31 81 1.37 2 7 9 0.15 2 3
16 Vanduncan Phillips 7 1 0.14 3 8 -.250 0 0.00 0 1 0.00 0 3 0.43 0 2 2 0.29 0 0
3 Stefan Todorovic 60 26 0.43 69 149 -.289 4 0.07 2 19 0.03 8 28 0.47 1 11 12 0.20 11 2
REGIS............... 58 235 4.05 398 1474 -.111 198 3.41 48 157 0.83 173 521 8.98 13 50 38.0 0.66 30 16
Opponents........... 58 488 8.41 195 1176 .249 425 7.33 130 157 2.24 34 530 9.14 22 70 57.0 0.98 13 6
Kills............. 235 488
Errors............ 398 195
Total Attacks..... 1474 1176
Attack Pct........ -.111 .249
Kills/Game........ 4.1 8.4
Assists........... 198 425
Assists/Game...... 3.4 7.3
Aces.............. 48 130
Errors............ 157 157
Aces/Game......... 0.8 2.2
Errors............ 173 34
Errors/Game....... 3.0 0.6
Digs.............. 521 530
Digs/Game......... 9.0 9.1
Block Solo........ 13 22
Block Assist...... 50 70
Total Blocks...... 38.0 57.0
Blocks Per Game... 0.7 1.0
Block Errors...... 30 13
Total............. 170 315
Dates/Avg Per Date 9/19 8/39
Neutral site #/Avg 2/54
Current win streak 0 -
Home win streak... 0 -
---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------
Jan 22 SOUTHERN VERMONT L 1-3 18-25,15-25,25-23,10-25 -
* 01/20/11 MIT L 0-3 13-25,11-25,11-25 25
* Jan 25 at Wentworth L 0-3 12-25,14-25,16-25 -
01/27/11 ELMS L 0-3 11-25,13-25,15-25 45
* 02/09/11 WENTWORTH L 0-3 13-25,12-25,18-25 27
02/12/2011 vs Daniel Webster L 0-3 16-25,17-25,17-25 109
* 02/12/2011 at Elms College L 0-3 17-25,17-25,10-25 121
* 02/17/11 at Endicott L 0-3 11-25,11-25,13-25 50
02/19/11 MTIDA L 1-3 16-25,15-25,25-21,17-25 14
* 02/19/11 NEWBURY L 0-3 11-25,13-25,18-25 -
02/23/2011 EMERSON L 0-3 13-25,13-25,16-25 19
Feb 26 vs Daniel Webster L 1-3 15-25,25-23,8-25,14-25 -
* Feb 26 at Southern Vermont L 0-3 16-25,13-25,15-25 -
03/03/11 at Newbury College L 0-3 10-25,6-25,11-25 33
* 03/17/2011 ENDICOTT L 0-3 7-25,10-25,16-25 25
03/16/11 at MIT L 0-3 9-25 45
Mar 19 at Emerson L 0-3 12-25,12-15,18-25 22
03/22/11 at Lesley L 0-3 10-25,8-25,15-25 44
* 03/24/11 LESLEY L 0-3 13-25,9-25,10-25 15
* denotes conference game