Know Your Pride: Q&A with Jessica Zernitsky

Know Your Pride: Q&A with Jessica Zernitsky

Fresh off a strong weekend at the Great Northeast Athletic Conference championships, Regis (Mass.) swimmer Jessica Zernitsky (Newton, Mass.) sat down with Regis Athletics to answer some questions about her life both in and out of the pool for the Pride.


Why did you choose to come to Regis?
I came to Regis because it's so close to home. I always wanted to swim so I knew I would have that opportunity. At the time, my major was also undecided, but I knew Regis was big on the health and medicine fields, so it ended up helping me choose my major.

So far, what has been your most memorable Regis experience in or out of the pool?
At this year's GNAC Championships, I got my fastest time in the 50 yard freestyle (24.87), and I've always tried to lower it. Just looking up at the scoreboard and seeing the time was exciting. I was really happy - my hard work paid off. 

When Coach Sweeney gives you the day off, what are you doing instead?
He usually doesn't give us the day off, but when he does I just try to sleep in a little bit and get a lot of homework done. I just try to relax.

What do you enjoy most about swimming for Regis and in general?
Swimming has just always been a part of me. It gives me a little break from going to classes. I don't know, I can't imagine my life without swimming, even though I hate it at times.

Your parents are originally from the Ukraine. What is your personal connection to there?
I've actually never been to the Ukraine, but I've been to Europe so that's probably bad. My mom's aunt and uncle live there, but we haven't been back. I do want to go back to the Ukraine in the future. My parents actually met here in the United States though and got married. I was born here so I say I'm American, but my heritage is Ukrainian.

What are you most looking forward to this winter break?
I'm going on a trip to Israel. 

What's the best advice you've ever been given and by whom?
I don't know by who, but just going after what you like to do. I just like to read a lot of motivational blurbs. I guess just work on yourself. 

What is the last picture you took on your phone?
It was at GNACs, just me and a couple of my teammates.

If you could sit down to dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I don't want to say a swimmer, but probably Michael Phelps, just to see how he's gotten so successful and gotten to the point he's at, and what I can learn from him to become a better, stronger swimmer. 

If you could have a special power, what would it be?
The ability to fly. I feel like that would be pretty cool. 

You have a twin brother, Jayson, who also swims. Who's faster?
Growing up I was always faster than him, but then he got jacked and grew so then he was faster. But then he stopped swimming (after high school) so now I'm faster again.

If you could live in a TV show or movie, what would it be?
Scandal. I like the atmosphere around the show. 

If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
Build a pool that anyone could go to, and it would be free and anyone could go no matter what. I feel like a lot of pools charge so much money. 

All abilities aside, if you could play a sport at Regis other than swimming, which would you choose?

If you could be any animal what would you be?
A dog.

