Men's Tennis Handles Wheelock, 8-1

Men's Tennis Handles Wheelock, 8-1

WESTON, Mass. - The Regis College men's tennis team remained perfect in New England Collegiate Conference play, beating Wheelock 8-1 on Sunday evening at Sportsmen's Tennis Club. Regis improves to 9-6 (4-0 NECC) while Wheelock falls to 1-4 overall and 1-1 in league play.

The Pride opened the match with a sweep in doubles play. Second doubles saw the most dominating result as Jarid Polley (North Reading, Mass.) and Matt Quattrociocchi (Germantown, Md.) topped the Wheelock duo of Matthew Brown and Nicolas Fenton, 8-0.

Singles play featured straight set Regis wins in all but the six, the team's lone defeat on the evening. Quattrociocchi and Cam Charbonneau won their second sets at love.

The Pride were orginally scheduled to retake the court on Tuesday at Becker but the match has been postponed to an undetermined later date due to snow. Regis is scheduled to play at Lesley on Wednesday, Apr. 6 at 7:30 p.m.