Know Your Pride: Q&A With Alycia LeConche

Know Your Pride: Q&A With Alycia LeConche

In the first installment of “Know Your Pride”, Regis Athletics sits down with Regis field hockey student-athlete Alycia LeConche for a good old fashioned Q & A session. LeConche is from Simsbury, Connecticut and is a nursing major at Regis.


Why did you choose to come to Regis?
I chose to come to Regis because I’m a nursing major and I wanted to be affiliated with the Boston hospitals, and the opportunity to play a sport while doing those things.

So far, what has been your most memorable Regis experience on or off the field?
My most memorable experience was definitely winning a championship with my team last year. In high school I never got that experience and in college it brought us all together and proved what we had been working for all season.

When Coach Panciocco gives you the day off, what are you doing instead?
Usually I’ll take a nap and then probably go to the library because nursing is definitely demanding.

What do you enjoy most about playing field hockey both for Regis and in general?
I feel like field hockey is my outlet when it comes to academics. I have that two-hour period of my day just to be with my team to get my stress out and focus on doing what I love.

What was the sweetest thing about winning the league title last season?
We all came together in that (championship) game and we won actually in a penalty stroke. It was really a team effort to come together and perform, and we were working for it all season.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given and by whom?
The best advice I’ve ever been given is from my dad. He always tells me that the greatest joy in life comes from doing what people say you cannot do. So on the field, every time we play a team that we’re not supposed to beat, I always take that to heart and think, “They think we can’t do it, so we’re going to prove them wrong.”

What is the last picture you took on your phone?
A selfie of my teammate and myself at clinical to send to my mom for our first day.

If you could sit down to dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I think I would want to sit down with Abraham Lincoln. I feel like with everything that’s going on with today’s society, he went through a lot with his presidency and it would be interesting to see his thoughts on what’s happening today.

If you could have a special power, what would it be?
I think flying would be pretty cool.

If you could live in a TV show or movie, what would it be?
I’m a really big fan girl for Gossip Girl, so I feel like if I could be in that lifestyle for maybe just a week or two it could be fun.

If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
One of my goals when I graduate nursing school is to do Mercy Ships. It’s basically a boat that’s docked in Africa that they turned into a hospital, and you go on it - you pay the boat for rent. I would use the money once I graduate to go and to stay there for a year or two and just help people without getting anything back. And then I would love to travel. My junior year of high school I went to Spain and I just got the travel itch.

All abilities aside, if you could play a sport at Regis other than field hockey, which would you choose?
I’ve never really been good at swimming, so if ability wasn’t a thing and I could become a good swimmer, I would try that out.

What's your go-to karaoke song?
“A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” by Fergie. 
